It can be overwhelming when trying to find a quality essential oil supplier. What many don’t realize when purchasing oils on the web, is finding a quality supplier that is authentic and genuine. You want to know you are buying quality and pure essential oils.

When the supplier labels it ” Certified Therapeutic Grade” or Grade A,B,C these are not real grading systems and they don’t exist. It’s just a way to get the public to buy their product and to think it means their oils are safe, reliable and high quality. “Certified Therapeutic Grade” is just a trademark they register and purchase.

Also, beware…I wouldn’t recommend buying your essential oils on Amazon or an unknown seller, as you have no idea what is in that oil and all the chemical components. You have no idea if they added anything to it to make the oil stretch, to sell more.

Here are a few ways that you can learn to discern the quality of the supplier of an oil you are purchasing:
1. Look for a supplier who is looking to nurture the relations with the aromatherapist practitioner and educated public.
2. Look for smaller companies.
3. An essential oil specialist/ aromatherapist runs/operates the company.
4. Who has developed relations with the distillers, if possible?
5. Has access to Batch specific (MS/GC) to see what the components are in the oils and the authenticity of the essential oils.
6. Can also access and provide safety data sheets when needed.
7. Who also has a Strong, Solid and Clear, Non- Controversial reputation in the field.
8. Someone who has expertise in the field for many years and is well known to other educators and aromatherapists. This will at least give you some guidelines when buying your oils.

Hope this was helpful! Thanks for reading!! XO

Jade Shutes, BA, Dipl. AT, Certified Herbalist. Article: The Quality of Essential Oils.



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